Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Ecology question 5

Explore different types of symbiotic relationships and interpret them as parasitism, commensalism and mutualism.

What are symbiotic relationships?

Symbiotic relationships are long-term relationship between two different species “living together”.
The relationship varies in population, it can be mutualism, commensalism & parasitism.

Each population benefits. The interaction is necessary for the survival and growth of each species.


One population benefits, the other is unaffected.

One population benefits (parasite) while the other is harmed (host). The interaction is necessary for the survival of the parasite. 

Now let's try.

 Remora fish attaching its body to the shark.
Answer: Commensalism

Intestinal worms.
Answer: Parasitism

Hermit crab and anemone.
Answer: Mutualism,r:7,s:105,i:98&tx=57&ty=74,r:3,s:0,i:74

Sources for Q4,r:8,s:0,i:85,r:20,s:0,i:110,r:6,s:0,i:146&tx=99&ty=72,r:6,s:0,i:146&tx=99&ty=72,r:4,s:0,i:145&tx=147&ty=102

Ecology question 4

Define and explain the interrelationship among species, population, community, habitat, niche and ecosystem. State examples of each.

A population is a group of living organisms of the same kind living in the same place at the same time. 

A community is formed by all of the populations in the same habitat which interact together. 


A habitat is the physical place where a plant or animal (population) lives. It must supply the needs of organisms, 
such as food, water, temperature, oxygen, and minerals. 


A niche is the role and position of an organism (species) in the community. No two species can occupy exactly the same niche. 
Example: In this case, the grass is the producer. 


An ecosystem is a complex interaction of living and nonliving processes.
Example: In this case, the organisms interact with each other using predator-prey relationship. 

Ecology question 3

Explain how limiting factors influence an organism’s distribution and range. 
Abiotic factors:  water, temperature, sunlight, salinity, oxygen, PH value         
Biotic factors: competitors, predators and parasites

- Different temperatures can affect the growth, activities and survival of the organism.

- Provides warmth
- Supports photosynthesis
- Enable organisms to see 

- Basic substance to survive as cells make up mostly of water
- Provides habitat for sea animals 

- Organisms need oxygen to carry out respiration.
- Plants need carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis.

PH value: 
- Determine types of organism living in a particular land or water

- More competitors
- Less food for other living organisms
- Weaker growth

- More predators
- More organisms being eaten up
- Less number of the kind of organisms

- More parasites
- More living organisms suffer
- Less number of kinds of organisms

Ecology question 2

Understand that the biosphere is composed of ecosystems, each with distinct biotic and abiotic characteristics.    

What is ecology?
Ecology is the study of how living things interact with each other and with their environment.

What is a biosphere?

Life supporting zone where the 3 other zones meet, interact & make life possible.

So what are the 3 other zone?

Lithosphere : Lithosphere is the surface of the earth, including aquatic systems, which contains most of the life

Hydrosphere : Related to water
Atmosphere : Related to the air

What are biomes?
Biomes make up the whole biosphere. It is a large region where certain types of plants and animals thrive. Each biome has a unique set of environmental conditions and plants and animals that have adapted to those conditions. Major biomes consist of tropical rain forests, grasslands, deserts etc. 

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Ecology question 1

Identify biotic and abiotic characteristics in an ecosystem.

Biotic factors: 

Interactions between the living organisms in the ecosystem. 

1) Predator-prey relationship : A living organism eats another living organism for energy. Period of interaction is very short. E.g. The lion hunts down a deer for food.

2) Parasitism : One organism benefits but another organism is harmed. Period of interaction is longer. E.g. Fleas live on the skin of dogs to suck their blood.

3) Commensalism : One organism benefits and the other organism is not harmed. Period of interaction is longer. E.g. Remora fish gets free transport from a shark by attaching to it and feed on the food scraps. Sharks are not harmed.

4) Mutualism : Both organisms benefit. Period of interaction is longer. E.g. Pollination of flowering plants.   

Abiotic factors:

1) Light : 
2) Temperature :
3) Air :
4) Water :
5) PH level :
6) Soil:


Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Pic 5 19/4/12

This condition is called Keratomalacia. It is a disease caused by a deficiency in vitamin A. This person should eat more yellowy food such as papaya, carrots and pumpkins.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Pic 6 19/4/12

This person suffers from Pellagra. Pellagra is a disease which means there is a lack of Niacin[B3]. He/she would need to eat food that is rich of niacin such as tuna, chicken and salmon.

Pic 3 19/4/12

This guy suffers from beriberi. Beriberi is a disease in which the body has a lack of thiamin[B1]. He would need to eat food that contains a rich amount of thiamin such as nuts, brown rice and fish.


Pic 9 19/4/12

This lady suffers from anorexia. Anorexia is an eating and phycological disorder, and also means a deficiency of food. The person is dieting to lose weight. She should eat more healthy food.

Pic 8 19/4/12

This person suffers from obesity. He/she should eat fresh fruits and vegetables and low-fat milk and also
exercise more.

Pic 2 19/4/12

This boy suffers form Rickets. It is the disorder of the bones in children leading to their weakening and softening due to deficiency of Vitamin D and then Calcium. He should eat more food with Vitamin D like salmon, trout and sardine.

Pic 7 19/4/12

This person is suffering from scurvy. Scurvy is a disease whereby the person has vitamin C deficiency. He/her should drink more orange juice, and then go on to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Pic 4 19/4/12

This guy suffers from Goitre. He suffers from iodine deficiency. He should eat iodised food like seaweed, milk, potato and seafood.

Pic 1 19/4/12

The boy is suffering from Kwashiorkor. It is a severe dietary protein deficiency. He should eat carbohydrate food such as fruits, starchy vegetables, breads and cereals to provide calories. Then the he should consume foods containing proteins such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, soybeans and legumes.

Osmosis revise questions 30/3/12

Why do you think the Paramecium needs to expel fluid from itself?

I think that it needs to do so as the vacuole is already very full. If it continues storing water, it would explode, so to prevent this from happening, the cell would expel liquid from itself.

Osmosis video 30/3/12

What is the result of this experiment?
The dialysis tubing that contained starch solution turned dark blue.

Explain the results that you see in the video.
The iodine in the water passed through the dialysis tubing into the starch solution. The dialysis tubing is a selectively permeable membrane, so since starch solution when interacted with iodine would turn dark blue, the starch solution in the dialysis tubing would turn dark blue.

Osmosis 30/3/12

Using figure 1 and figure 2, describe what you think happened to the plant cells in each of the figure.What does it mean by hypertonic and hypotonic?

Figure 1
Water molecules would move into the hypotonic cell, thus the cell would explode. Water molecules would move away from the hypertonic cell,thus the cell would shrink.

Figure 2
Water molecules move into the cell, thus the cell becomes bigger. 

Hypertonic is when water molecules from the surroundings move into the cell. Hypertonic is when water molecules from the cell moves to the surroundings.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Diffusion 30/3/12

1)What is concentration gradient?
When there is a different concentration of molecules in a substance, there will be a concentration gradient. 

2)What is Diffusion?
Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a higher concentrated area to a less concentrated area.

3)Movement of molecules with respect to concentration gradient.
It moves from a higher concentrated area to a less concentrated area.

4)What are the factors that affect Diffusion?
1)The size of the chemical driving force.
2) The surface area of the membrane.
3) The permeability of the membrane.

How diffusion works video journal 30/3/12

What is diffusion?
Diffusion is the process where molecules move from a higher concentrated area to a lower concentrated area.

When will this process stop?
 It stops when all the molecules are evenly distributed.

Do molecules even stop moving?
No they do not, they always move.

What are the factors that determine the rate of diffusion?
It is affected by temperature, size of molecules and the steepness of the concentrated gradient.

Can you name some examples of diffusion in a living organism?
Gaseous exchange between the lungs and the surroundings.
Mineral salts enter the root cell when the root cell takes in water from the soil.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Task 6 23/3/12


Functions of cell parts 
Nucleus: Control all activities in the cell and also contains genetic information passed down from one generation to another.
Nucleur membrane: Regulate in and out movement of only specific substances. It also. In animal and plant cells, it holds the nucleus together and also acts as a security check for the nucleus.
Chromatin: Packs long strands of DNA in Compact form and also strengthens and assists replication and transcription during cell division.
Cytoplasm: Maintains the shape and consistency of the cell and also stores many chemicals that are inevitable for life.
Cell membrane: Controls the movement in and out of the cell and also anchors the cytoskeleton.
Vacuole: Stores food and nutrients in the cell, maintains pH, removes unwanted material in our body and also destroys invading bacteria.
Mitochondria: Produce energy, helps in the building of certain kinds of drought and also stores calcium ions
Chloroplast: Helps the plant to make food.
Cellulose cell wall: Protects the cell, provides support for the cell and is also a filter.  

Task 4&5 23/3/12

TASK 4&5

Task 3 23/3/12


- have cell wall
- does not have cell wall
- have only 1 big vacuole
- have 1 or many small vacuoles
- rectangular in shape
- irregular in shape
- leaves cell contains chloroplast
- all cells do not contain chloroplast
- plant cells are larger in size
- animal cells are smaller in size

Task 2 23/3/12


Similarities between plant and animal cell

-Both have cell membranes
-Both have nucleus
-Both have Mitochondra
-Both have Ribosomes
-Both have Golgi Apparatus

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Task 1 23/3/12

Task 1
Task 1
Prokaryote cells
Eukaryotic cells
Smaller cells
Larger cells
Always unicellular
Often multicellular
No nucleus
Have nucleus
DNA is circular
DNA is linear
No cytoskeleton
Have cytoskeleton
Cell division is by binary fission
Cell division is by mitosis
Reproduction is always asexual
Reproduction can be asexual or sexual