Sunday, 25 March 2012

Task 6 23/3/12


Functions of cell parts 
Nucleus: Control all activities in the cell and also contains genetic information passed down from one generation to another.
Nucleur membrane: Regulate in and out movement of only specific substances. It also. In animal and plant cells, it holds the nucleus together and also acts as a security check for the nucleus.
Chromatin: Packs long strands of DNA in Compact form and also strengthens and assists replication and transcription during cell division.
Cytoplasm: Maintains the shape and consistency of the cell and also stores many chemicals that are inevitable for life.
Cell membrane: Controls the movement in and out of the cell and also anchors the cytoskeleton.
Vacuole: Stores food and nutrients in the cell, maintains pH, removes unwanted material in our body and also destroys invading bacteria.
Mitochondria: Produce energy, helps in the building of certain kinds of drought and also stores calcium ions
Chloroplast: Helps the plant to make food.
Cellulose cell wall: Protects the cell, provides support for the cell and is also a filter.  

Task 4&5 23/3/12

TASK 4&5

Task 3 23/3/12


- have cell wall
- does not have cell wall
- have only 1 big vacuole
- have 1 or many small vacuoles
- rectangular in shape
- irregular in shape
- leaves cell contains chloroplast
- all cells do not contain chloroplast
- plant cells are larger in size
- animal cells are smaller in size

Task 2 23/3/12


Similarities between plant and animal cell

-Both have cell membranes
-Both have nucleus
-Both have Mitochondra
-Both have Ribosomes
-Both have Golgi Apparatus